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Information provided about the Clerk of Courts in each county, how to contact each Clerk, as well as a link to each Clerk's web site.

Hours open to the public: 8:30AM-4:00PM M-F Closed on all Holidays

Thank you for visiting, and we hope that this site provides you with information you need.

(If our information about your website needs to be up-dated, County Clerk must send me an e-mail.)

Keith Mundy

Adams 937.544.2344
Allen - 419.223.8513
Ashland - 419.282-4242
Ashtabula - 440.576.3639
Athens - 740.592.3242
Auglaize - 419.738.4219
Belmont - 740.695.2121x168
Brown - 937.378.3100
Butler - 513.887.3278
Carroll - 330.627.4886
Champaign - 937.653.2746

Clark - 937.328.2458
Clermont - 513.732.7560
Clinton - 937.382.2316
Columbiana - 330.424.7777x1
Coshocton - 740.622.1456
Crawford - 419.562.2766
Cuyahoga - 216.443.7950
Darke - 937.547.7335
Defiance - 419.782.1936
Delaware - 740.368.1853

Erie - 419.627.7705
Fairfield - 740.687.7030
Fayette - 740.335.6371
Franklin - 614.462.3600
Fulton - 419.337.9230
Gallia - 740.446.4612
Geauga - 440.285.2222
Greene - 937.376.5290
Guernsey - 740.432.9230
Hamilton - 513.946.5656

Hancock - 419.424.7037
Hardin - 419.674.2278
Harrison - 740.942.8863
Henry - 419.592.5922
Highland - 937.393.9957
Hocking - 740.385.2616
Holmes - 330.674.1876
Huron - 419.668.5113
Jackson - 740.286.2006
Jefferson - 740.283.8583

Knox - 740.393.6785
Lake - 440.350.2657
Lawrence - 740.533.4352
Licking - 740.349.6171
Logan - 937.599.7275
Lorain - 440.329.5536
Lucas - 419.213.4484
Madison - 740.852.9776
Mahoning - 330.740.2103
Marion - 740.387.8128

Medina - 330.725.9722
Meigs - 740.992.5290
Mercer - 419.586.6461
Miami - 937.332.6855
Monroe - 740.472.0761
Montgomery - 937.225.6118
Morgan - 740.962.4752
Morrow - 419.947.2085
Muskingum - 740.455.7104
Noble - 740.732.5604

Ottawa - 419.734.6755
Paulding - 419.399.8210
Perry - 740.342.1022
Pickaway - 740.474.5231
Pike - 740.947.2715
Portage - 330.297.3644
Preble - 937.456.8160
Putnam - 419.523.3110
Richland - 419.774.5549
Ross - 740.702.3010

Sandusky - 419.334.6161
Scioto - 740.355.8218
Seneca - 419.447.0671
Shelby - 937.498.7221
Stark - 330.438.0799
Summit - 330.643.2211
Trumbull - 330.675.2557
Tuscarawas -

Union - 937.645.3006
Van Wert - 419.238.1022

Vinton - 740.596.3001
Warren - 513.695.1120
Washington - 614.373.6623
Wayne - 330.287.5590
Williams - 419.636.6910
Wood - 419.354.9281
Wyandot - 419.294.1432